Center for Regional Analysis

The Economic Impacts of the U.S. Pet Industry

The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council

In a report for the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, CRA conducted research assessing the pet industry’s economic contributions to the United States economy. Specifically, we sought to establish the aggregate economic impact of the pet industry’s primary activities, including pet sales (defined as dogs, cats, birds, small mammals, reptiles/amphibians, and aquatics including freshwater and marine life), pet products manufacturing and trade, pet food manufacturing, veterinary services, and non-veterinary pet services such as grooming and boarding. The analysis offers estimates of the economic and fiscal impacts of pet industry activities for the nation, all fifty states, and the District of Columbia. This includes direct, indirect, and induced impacts on total economic activity (output), value-added, employment, labor incomes (salaries, wages, benefits), and total federal, state, and local tax revenues associated with pet industry activities.

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