Center for Regional Analysis

Stephen S. Fuller Institute – Washington Economy Watch

The Stephen S. Fuller Institute has released the November 2022 issue of the monthly Washington Economy Watch. In August 2022,

  • the Coincident Index increased 4.9% from August 2021; and
  • the Leading Index increased 7.2% from August 2021, a sharp increase from July 2022 (2.4%).

The Washington area’s economic performance, as tracked by the Washington Coincident Index, has experienced a slowing trend since February and does not appear to have benefited from the US economy’s renewed GDP growth during the third quarter. However, the Washington Leading Index, which is designed to forecast the Washington area’s near-term economic outlook, has been positive each month since April and its gains have been trending higher. This mixed performance offers insight into the underlying structure of the Washington area’s economy that will shape its performance going forward as the Federal Reserve Board focuses on reducing the inflation rate by continuing to raise interest rates with only secondary concerns about tripping the national economy into recession in 2023.

Read the Full Report: Here

SFI Economic Forum Tuesday November 15 Save the Date

Good Day!

We are excited to announce the date for this year’s Economic Forum to be presented jointly by the Stephen S. Fuller Institute and Center for Regional Analysis at Mason.

Read the Conference Issue of Washington Economy Watch: Here

Come hear GMU colleagues Stephen Fuller and Terry Clower as they examine the DC region’s current challenges, opportunities, and economic outlook for 2023.


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

8:30 am – 11:00 am (ET)


GMU Arlington Campus

Van Metre Hall, 1st Floor Auditorium

3351 Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22201

Metro: Clarendon, Virginia Square

Parking Garage Access: Off N. Kirkland Street


Attendance is free but please register at CRA_Event

8:30 – 9:00Coffee and Fellowship  
9:00 – 9:03Welcome to Campus Dean Mark Rozell
9:03 – 9:10President’s Welcome Dr. Greg Washington
9:10 – 9:20Opening remarks Bob Buchanan
9:20 – 10:00Is the Washington Region’s Economy Still Recession Proof? Dr. Stephen S. Fuller
10:00 – 10:40Challenges, Opportunities, & Adaptation: The National Capital Region in 2023 and Beyond Dr. Terry L. Clower
10:40 – 11:00Q&A, Engagement Dr. Clower & Dr. Fuller

Questions?  Email us at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you all in person on November 15, 2022!

Preliminary Assessment of The Economic Impacts of New American Legion Bridge Construction

The following summarizes the findings of an analysis prepared by the Center for Regional Analysis (CRA) at George Mason University. This preliminary assessment examines the regional economic impacts and tax contributions associated with programmatic spending for the construction of 37 miles of new managed toll lanes along I-495 and I-270 in Maryland, including building a new American Legion Bridge. The analysis is preliminary as the project is still in its Predevelopment phase. Key data assumptions and methodologies are listed below along with our findings.

Read the Report Here

What does the Post Covid-19 Return to Work Look Like?

COVID has forced the public sector to rapidly adapt to a largely telework environment.  Most Federal workers and contractors have transitioned to working remotely.  Join Professor Tojo Thatchenkery  and a panel from various fields (including Dr. Terry Clower of the CRA) discuss what 2021 and beyond holds for a return to the workplace. 

Register Here


The Economic Impacts of Parks

This report details the outputs, economic impacts, and outcomes of the work for the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA).

This research, conducted in direct collaboration with the research staff of the NRPA, examines the role that local parks play in 21st century local economic development, and adds to the growing body of evidence demonstrating that the benefits of parks extend well beyond their role as a public amenity and an enhancement to quality of life in their communities. In this research report, we present our analysis of the economic and fiscal impacts of local park and recreation system spending on state and national economies.

Read the full report here

Economic and Programmatic Impacts of Virginia Housing

This report details the outputs, economic impacts, and outcomes of the work of Virginia Housing for the state’s economy and households.

Virginia Housing and the research team hope that the details discussed here encourage more households, communities, organizations, and companies to connect with Virginia Housing and continue the growth, reach, and improvement of Virginia Housing’s services. Although the agency ranks among the top state housing finance agencies in terms of economic impact, similar studies show that there is still room to grow. Furthermore, widespread housing shortages and ever-increasing housing costs make the extensions and growth of Virginia Housing’s activities timely and necessary.

Read the full report here

Pocket-Sales Ban and the NVAR Region

The Center for Regional Analysis has been watching inventory listings closely in early 2020 given the implementation of a new rule banning off-mls sales, or “pocket sales”. In this report, we examine the early impacts of the new rule.

Link to the Full Report