Ongoing Projects
Recent Projects
Virginia Housing Development Authority
November 2017
CRA partnered with Virginia Tech, Virginia Commonwealth University, and William and Mary universities in a comprehensive study of housing within the Commonwealth of Virginia. CRA was primarily responsible for two elements of the larger study. First, CRA conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Virginia housing industry’s economic impact. Second, CRA estimated housing demand based on housing-related trends and workforce dynamics. Through this analysis, CRA was able to determine the amount and general types of housing that will result from job growth in several regions throughout the state.
The study was directed by Governor Terry McAuliffe's Executive Order (EO) 32, “Advancing Virginia’s Housing Policy,” to “identify and implement actions to enable quality, affordable housing, which will strengthen families and communities and foster economic growth.” The collaborative research of the four universities provides key information on the Commonwealth housing sector, focusing on the economic impact of housing, future scenarios impacting housing needs, and links between housing and other key policy sectors.
View the Appendices and Full Study Information here
August 2017
CRA has been assisting the Region 7 GO VA Council in the creation of their Growth and Diversification Plan – a strategic plan which will establish criteria that guide the selection of projects developed by the regions will effectively move the economy forward. The completed document is available here.
Region 7 includes the counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and Manassas Park in Northern Virginia.
August 2017
CRA partnered with Old Dominion University and the Natelson Dale Group in the creation of the Growth and Diversification Plan for Region 5 (Hampton Roads). That report is available here.
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
April 2017-June 2017
The Virginia Initiative for Growth and Opportunity in Each Region (GO Virginia) promotes collaboration for regional efforts to diversify the regional economy, strengthen their workforce, and support collaborative programs between at least two or more localities that will lead to the creation of higher paying jobs. The George Mason University Center for Regional Analysis supported this effort by assembling a baseline set of performance measures. These measures provided regional stakeholders with a realistic and empirically derived understanding of their region and its economic potential. These baseline measures—provided for each GO Virginia region—partially informed each region’s respective Economic Growth and Diversification plan. They will also be used by the GO Virginia Board and staff to track each region’s progress, and determine the program’s effectiveness in stimulating growth and diversification of the regional economy.
Alexandria/Arlington Regional Workforce Council
March 2017
This report by CRA Deputy Director Dr. Mark C. White will help the Alexandria/Arlington Regional Workforce Council better understand trends shaping the region’s workforce and identify sources of current and future labor demand. The research looks at the supply of workers by examining key characteristics of the region’s population and labor force. It then examines current and future sources of labor demand, by looking at the region’s current economic structure, and then examining more detailed industry and occupational trends and projections. The report complements this more medium- and long-term analysis by looking at data from online job postings to identify employers that are currently hiring and the jobs they seek to fill. The report also discusses key issues—talent attraction and retention, education, transportation and infrastructure, commercial and industrial development, entrepreneurship and innovation—that will influence the direction of the region’s future workforce and economic development.
The Solar Foundation
February 1, 2016
CRA is working with The Solar Foundation on a research project to estimate future solar employment trends and determine the economic impacts of the US solar industry. This work will serve as an extension of The Solar Foundation's (TSF) National Solar Jobs Census initiative. CRA is reviewing and assembling available data sources and developing the economic and fiscal impacts of the solar industry including direct, indirect, and induced impacts. The study will then develop solar employment projections and recommend methods to use, disseminate, and further develop information included in the report.
The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council
February 2017
In a report for the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, CRA conducted research assessing the pet industry’s economic contributions to the United State economy. Specifically, we sought to establish the aggregate economic impact of the pet industry’s primary activities including pet sales (defined as dogs, cats, birds, small mammals, reptiles/amphibians and aquatics including freshwater and marine life), pet products manufacturing and trade, pet food manufacturing, veterinary services, and non-veterinary pet services such as grooming and boarding. The analysis offers estimates of the economic and fiscal impacts of pet industry activities for the nation, all fifty states, and the District of Columbia. This includes direct, indirect, and induced impacts on total economic activity (output), value added, employment, labor incomes (salaries, wages, benefits), and total federal, state, and local tax revenues associated with pet industry activities.
The 2030 Group
February 2017
The availability of middle skill jobs—those that require more than a high school diploma but less than a college degree—is a critical issue for both individuals in the Washington region and for industry. CRA in partnership with Dr. Ellen Harpel of Business Development Advisors is completing a study to: (1) identify the key middle skill jobs in each of the top industry clusters, (2) provide demand projections for these occupations, and (3) map the career pathways and earning potential associated with these jobs.
This report 1) focuses its attention on middle skill jobs in the region’s leading industry clusters as identified in the Roadmap for the Washington Region’s Economic Future; and 2) describes career pathways into these occupations and onward from them to our economy’s high-skill, in-demand occupations
Our approach is not to suggest employers change the way they do business or somehow “create” more middle skill jobs, but rather to highlight the connections between high school and high-skill jobs, so that more job-seekers can pursue the necessary steps (credentials and training) to make the transition from entry-level jobs to middle skill positions and, if desired, to high skill occupations in the region’s leading industry clusters.
Loudoun County Department of Family Services
February 2017
In partnership with Lisa Sturtevant & Associates, CRA conducted a comprehensive assessment of current and future housing needs in Loudoun County. This study emphasized the important links between housing availability and affordability and job growth in Loudoun County. The final report provides a detailed analysis of the county’s demographic, economic and housing market trends and existing conditions as well as an extensive analysis of Loudoun County’s current and future housing demand and affordability. The future housing demand in Loudoun County was driven by: 1) the need for housing for working households and 2) the need for housing for people not in the labor force (especially seniors and persons with disabilities). Following the analysis, the project team discuss the county’s ability to meet its forecasted demand.
Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
November 2015
CRA examined the regional impacts of the Northern Virginia Regional Parks Authority’s operations and capital spending specifically. Using the IMPLAN economic input-output model, CRA was able to determine the how the NVRPA’s impact the regional economy in terms of economic activity, labor income and employment.
Fairfax County (VA) Park Authority
January 2016
We begin this assessment by providing a brief overview of the Fairfax County Park Authority and the facilities it is responsible for operating and maintaining. Using the IMPLAN economic input-output model, CRA was able to determine the how the FCPA’s impact the regional economy in terms of economic activity, labor income and employment.
The reduction in federal spending over the past five years highlighted the Washington Metropolitan Area’s overreliance on federal funding. This project sought to identify ways in which the region can shape its economic future by reducing that dependence and creating more positive and sustainable economic opportunities. As part of this work, the research team looked at the region’s existing competitive advantages and identified the private-sector industries best positioned for regional growth. They also interviewed over 30 of the region’s top business leaders to better understand what it’ll take to maximize the potential growth of these industries in Greater Washington over the next decade. The research was sponsored by The 2030 Group and several other businesses and groups.
Arlington County, Virginia
In partnership with the National Housing Conference Center for Housing Policy, the Center analyzed current housing conditions and affordability, forecasts future household growth and household characteristics, and identified Arlington County’s greatest housing needs. This needs assessment provided the background necessary to develop a comprehensive affordable housing policy that meets the needs of current and future residents and ensures that Arlington lives up to the values of diversity, inclusivity, choice and sustainability.
Virginia Department of Transportation
This project analyzed the economic impacts associated with the proposed I-66 expansion and related transit operations spending on the regional economy. It also considered the additional economic benefits that come in the form of travel-time savings and regional economic efficiencies associated with improved mobility as a result of the I-66 investment.
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