Center for Regional Analysis

GO Virginia

The Center for Regional Analysis is proud to support the efforts of the GO Virginia Initiative. CRA was contracted by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to compile baseline data for each of the seven GO Virginia Regions. The resulting data is available below in presentation and Excel formats. In addition, CRA is currently assisting Region 7 and Region 5 in creating their Growth and Diversification Plan – a strategic plan that will establish criteria that guide the selection of projects developed by the regions that will effectively move the economy forward.

Virginia’s senior business leaders initiated the Virginia Initiative for Growth and Opportunity in Each Region (GO Virginia) to foster private-sector growth and job creation through state incentives for regional collaboration by business, education, and government. Recognizing the harsh effect of deep federal budget cuts on a Virginia economy that is overly dependent on public-sector jobs, they launched the GO Virginia campaign to work for regional cooperation on private-sector growth, job creation, and career readiness. For more information, visit:

**Updated with Regional Economic Development Organizations as of June 30th, 2017**
**Updated with additional metrics and further historical information as of May 31st, 2017**

For detailed data sources and variable definitions, view the Data Dictionary here.

Region Data

View the regional presentations here:

The Excel spreadsheets available below detail the baseline data compiled for each GO Virginia Region. The Excel sheets are organized by topic area and broken down into input data, tables, and charts for the US, Virginia, and each region. Any questions please contact Spencer Shanholtz at [email protected] or 703-993-9148.

State Comparision Data

View the state comparison data presentation here:  PPT

The Excel spreadsheets available below detail the baseline data compiled for comparison states. The Excel sheets are organized by topic area and broken down into input data, tables, and charts for the US, Virginia, and 10 comparison states (DC, GA, KY, MD, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, WV). Any questions, please contact Spencer Shanholtz at [email protected] or 703-993-9148.

Regional Economic Development Organization Data

View the presentations here:

  • Virginia: PPT
  • Central Virginia Partnership: PPT
  • Fredericksburg Regional Alliance: PPT
  • Greater Richmond Partnership: PPT
  • Greater Williamsburg Partnership: PPT
  • Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance: PPT
  • Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance: PPT
  • Middle Peninsula Economic Development Resource Organization: PPT
  • New River Valley Economic Development Alliance: PPT
  • Northern Neck – Chesapeake Bay Regional Partnership: PPT
  • Roanoke Regional Partnership: PPT
  • Shenandoah Valley Partnership: PPT
  • Southern Virginia Regional Alliance: PPT
  • Virginia’s e-Region: PPT
  • Virginia’s Gateway Region: PPT
  • Virginia’s Growth Alliance: PPT
  • Virginia’s Industrial Advancement Alliance: PPT
  • Unaffiliated Jurisdictions: PPT

The Excel spreadsheets available below detail the baseline data compiled for each Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) Regional Economic Development Organization. The Excel sheets are organized by topic area and broken down into input data, tables, and charts for the US, Virginia, and each region. Any questions, please contact Keith Waters at [email protected].